Russell Vaughan - IT Professional for hireI bought this domain in 1997 I keep it for historic reasons, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I look at what was achieved by myself and a few people all that time ago. The original site is here. I keep it as an archive. If you are looking for an experienced IT Consultant please have a look and see what I was doing back then and call to find out what I am doing now, you may find I am that forward looking person you are lacking on your team.Back in 1994 in the days of CompuServe I was running a computer services business with a partner. The business was called The Computer Office and was located in Friern Barnet, North London. We had been involved at the launch of Windows 95 and were already getting calls from customers to help sort out their internet connections. Remember at the time there was only one local internet company "Demon Internet" and the original Internet explorer didn´t even work on the web. We sold computers, accessories and offered maintenance and supports to local businesses. The business grew and by 1996 I realised that this Internet thing was going to grow and when an opportunity arose to exploit the World wide wait (as it was then) we set up London Web. In 1996 a small team of us set up our first Internet Service provider, London Web Communications was nothing grand just a vehicle to sell dial-up internet access and a few websites. We rented rack space in Telehouse, London and started an ISP. The Computer office still traded and I split my time between both businesses so when the design work came in to the computer shop we passed it on to London web. In those days there were no models for Internet companies, it was before the .com boom, but it was a steep learning curve. It was also my first experience of being bought out and by the beginning of 1997 I sold. The business continued without the original management team who by then were back at the Computer office selling computers, accessories, offering maintenance and support. I missed the ISP part of the business so in April 1997 I set up Tiger Internet. ( which again was a small local ISP and this time we used our existing customer base and connected home and small businesses to the web. We designed and managed company websites and created some of our own. In fact in 1998 when one of my designers came to me with a mad idea to set up a world cup website "you do the server stuff and I will do the design" said hunty, I just couldn´t resist. It was a busy time SEO, Marketing and getting advertisers. The site was so busy during world cup 1998 we had difficulty adding updates as the site attracted visitors from around the world. Before FIFA got possessive about their brand there were dozens of unofficial World-Cup websites and we were in the top 10. Since then as an IT Consultant I have shared my expertise with many companies from all sectors offering a variety of services including infrastructure design and management, bespoke training, problem solving, web application design, project management, change process design and management. I have advised companies about the type of infrastructure needed to manage their online presence, website design, SEO, selling online and using social media to grow a global business As a training consultant for Learning Tree International I shared my skills with individuals and teams for some of the largest organisations worldwide. Until recently I still found time to train and manage a team of technicians and designers offering computer and Laptop repairs in southern Spain even running a couple of websites on the costa del sol. Having worked with both SME`s and some of the largest companies in the world offering training and consultancy I am always looking for the next great challenge so if you are looking for an experienced IT professional with REAL WORLD experience why not give me a call and discuss your requirements. Russell Vaughan Web Site Design, Target Marketing, Website Design, Internet Designing, WWW, HTML, Webpage, Web Page, Interactive Advertising, Push Technology, Direct Marketing, Web, Web Site, Webpage, Website, Marketing, Sales, design, domain, business, Internet, Intranet, www, world wide web, developer, html, HTML, advertising, advertise, home page, Internet Consultant, Internet Trainer, Internet Training, Web site Hosting, Internet access, Russell Vaughan, London, City, City of London, English, England, Britain, British, UK, UK-based, UK based, in the UK, in Britain, , Online database, for hire, java, create page, page creation, site creation, animated gifs, java applets, java script, guest book, guestbook, promotion, promoting, search engine, search engine ratings, tools, PC, Windows95, Windows 95, Windows NT, java code, java(tm), java applet, JavaScript, animated gif, graphics, graphic, free, freeware, freeware, shareware, software, |